“If you generate ideas for a living, you know it isn’t getting easier.

Timelines are now shorter. Clients are more demanding. And you’re competing with creatives from every corner of the globe.

The Deck of Brilliance can help you face that blank page and looming deadline with a bit more confidence.

It gives you 52 tools for working up ideas in short periods of time.

Together, they make a complete idea-generation system.

But why would you need tools at all?

The way we see it, professionals in every industry—from neurosurgery to gardening—use tools.

Creative people don’t have to be an exception.

Without a systematic way of approaching briefs, you risk leaving the outcome to chance, a random spark or a burst of inspiration in the shower.

Professionals don’t leave things to chance.

They don’t wait for ideas to come to them; they hunt them down where they live.

These tools are the result of over 50 years of experience in the world’s toughest advertising markets.

We’ve refined them over many years and we use them ourselves, almost every day, to hunt.

We are happy to share them for free.

Yes, you read that correctly. These tools are free.

The tools themselves would be of no value without the fine examples that go with them. And for those, we need to thank thousands of wonderful, talented creatives across the world.”

– Juggi Ramakrishnan and Todd McCracken