Rat in Mi Kitchen – The Video Game

We made a video game for the greatest reggae song in existence.
The Arcadian Chess Set

In November of 2019 I shot and killed a deer for the very first time.
Video Palace Universe

The Video Palace Universe is a storyworld/media horror franchise created by Nick Braccia and me to give us the opportunity to tell a story across multiple forms of media, earning fans and having fun telling stories with a variety of creative collaborators along the way.
Disco Nap

Disco Nap is side project in which we build site specific instillations inspired by everyday party supplies. We created Disco Nap as an outlet from our digital design jobs to build something tangible that was both fun for us and makes people smile.
Song Saga – The Game that gets People Sharing the Stories & Soundtrack of their Lives.

Song Saga – the game that gets people sharing the stories and soundtrack of their lives.

I grew up by the Mediterranean sea & sun, but I have been living & working in London for a long time now.
Power to My People – Black Girl Magic

The first taste of beauty I’ve encountered was my mother.
From her brown skin to every curl and coil in her hair. She was the definition of beauty to me and still is.
Fart Face

As portrait photographers, my friend and I always aimed to capture the most intimate moments shared between ourselves and our models.
Weekend at Bernie’s III

We wrote this because it was just too funny of an idea to not write it. And we’ve enjoyed the hell out of it, and gotten some nice recognition from film festivals including Austin Film Festival.
Adults’ Time-Out

Adults’ Time-Out – what if we could think like Phineas and Ferb?