We Are Asian

We Are Asian – our Asian pride triumphed all hatred.

Mommy Vows

Mommy Vows – what if I could foresee my breast cancer diagnosis?

Real Gun Bill

We were outraged at Congress’s continued inaction on gun violence, but we knew irreverent commentary alone wouldn’t drive real change.

Eyes Open Tours

Eyes Open Tours is an app that puts the visually impaired in contact with certified sighted guides around the world. These guides provide safety and entertainment guiding designed for those with visual disabilities.

PhotoBomb For Good

Hijacking peoples pictures.

Our mission was to get our ideas to as many people as possible for the least amount of money invested.

We decided to do this by photobombing people by wearing our cause boldly.

With over 130,000 photos taken at Times Square each day, it had to be the best place to start.

ABC of Gender Identity

Gender identity is an important part of who we are, and how we express ourselves in the world. While only two binary genders used to be recognized, there is now a long and evolving list of non-binary genders that people identify with. ABC of Gender Identity is a guide to some of these genders, aiming to help the modern child – or adult -better understand themselves and those around them.

Creativity for Kindness

Creativity for Kindness is a platform that connects creatives with nonprofits to offer pro bono creative services. Having lived and worked in a number of cities, including Mumbai, London, San Francisco, and New York, I’ve been exposed to various types of societal challenges facing different parts of the world.

Creative Noire

Using a Mighty Networks mobile and web platform, we help diversify leading companies with senior-level creatives of color, providing them direct access to job opportunities, free resources, and the ability to build a network of future collaborators. We are a marketplace that connects experienced underrepresented creatives with organizations that are seeking to increase the diversity of their employees.