
Humans have been harming nature for a long time. We lack empathy and do not understand the importance of flora and fauna in our ecosystem. It has led to thousands of species to get endangered.
Trails is a browser based platform launched in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund. It helps to create a bond between humans and wildlife through various 360 videos of endangered animals in their natural habitat. They can be viewed on any personal device or a virtual reality headset. Trails help us realize that these animals are an important part of our collective ecosystem and they need to be saved.
D.O.Y. Gratitude Journal

D.O.Y. is an app created for an experimental program for middle schoolers in Argentina. Based on research by Carolina Klos, the app encourages forming a habit of giving three different forms of gratitude (D-O-Y) at an early age through the use of brief diary entries that become floating circles. Through daily submissions, the child is able to see their moments of gratitude accumulate, and they can always press one of the circles and remember those moments.
Am (i) Normal

People are too scared to talk about female sexual pleasure as they don’t know what normal should look and feel like.
Jengpin Bowling

This project was created as part of CEX – a charity art exhibition run by the production house, CuttingEdge.
Indoor Fashion

During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, I collaborated with Paris based studio Services Généraux on ‘Indoor Fashion’, the first ever clothing collection designed not to be seen, made to be worn exclusively at home.
The Timeless Project

We’re living in the age of female empowerment, which is absolutely awesome…but we’re focusing on generations that you know, us ad people love to talk to.

This project is a message to anyone who believes racial equality came in 1964.
Sweat 4 your life

Through years of witnessing how diabetes has affected the lives of near family members, I believe I’ve been moved to create ideas that can improve other people’s lives; and that’s precisely how SWEAT 4 YOUR LIFE was born.

Our challenge was to develop an integrated campaign that would raise awareness about food waste, but also trigger a long-term action to help solve a global food waste problem.
Indoor Recess

In the Spring of 2020, after many internship opportunities ceased to exist due to Covid-19, a cohort of students and recent grads (some who still have yet to meet IRL) decided to create Indoor Recess — a two-week long advertising pitch competition for students stuck indoors instead of interning.