Timephibian Fighter Frogs
What if there were giant, time-traveling cyborgs that were part frog and part fighter-jet submarine with cockpit canopies for eyes and giant lily antennae growing out of their heads?
What if there were giant, time-traveling cyborgs that were part frog and part fighter-jet submarine with cockpit canopies for eyes and giant lily antennae growing out of their heads?
Illustrator presents his most complicated cover concept first and client is sold before seeing the rest.
They play a lot of folk tunes, but apparently this Gerry guy has six arms and shreds so hard his head floats and his legs disappear.
In the darkly comedic short film “Love & Lethal Endings,” a seasoned hit woman takes center stage as a guest on a dating podcast’s Valentine’s Day special.
Music benefits mental health, but some question whether that still applies to the chaos and aggression heavy metal brings to the table. According to recent studies, it really does. For Mental Health Awareness Month, we promoted this with playlists featuring some of the darkest stuff the metal community has to offer.
Cats can run your home but they shouldn’t be allowed to run your country.
An AI-powered search engine that will tell you if a public figure is a nepo baby or not.
A boy lives the advertising life.
A boy has existential crisis.
A boy writes about when he was a boy and calls the book “A Boy Called Dustbin.” A boy becomes a published author.
New clothes are evil. they make you look like them.
Can a creative stunt to break into Canadian advertising also do good for Canada?