Of Wood & Weld was born out of a common boredom tragedy: I was staring at a screen for far too long. As an art director by day and running a design blog and freelance projects on the side, I quickly realized I needed to escape the screen and do something with my hands.
As a lifelong crafter/maker/mess-around-in-the-garage-until-it’s-dark-out kind of gal, working with my hands always came natural. One day I found myself in the aisle of Home Depot with a scroll saw in my hand thinking “hmm, this looks fun! I’ll watch some YouTube videos once I get it home” … and the rest is history.
I fell in love with woodworking and everything I could make with the material. This hobby turned passion turned business will always remain a place I can go to make, relax, and create, not a place that will ever serve as a sole place of income, and that to me is the most therapeutic part of this hustle. It just so happened that people wanted to buy what I’m making, and that’s a bonus.
On top of my personal path to this point, my grandpa was a lifelong hobby woodworker, and while I was too young to be interested in his hobbies when he passed away, I feel that this love for sawdust and using my hands is a reincarnation of him in a small way.