My Trusted Circle

After testing false positive for COVID-19, I realized how real the fear of social stigma is amongst patients who’ve tested positive. While I knew how important it is to notify those I’ve been in close contact with, I was scared of being judged and blamed.

Frosty Nails

I self-identify as a glitter enthusiast, and my Instagram account has become a digital extension of this very obsession. It’s simple—an adoration of all things that sparkle combined with a healthy dose of quarantine boredom birthed the Instagram account @_Frosty_Nails. Whether I post moving Tetris blocks on my nails or an unapologetic political statement, this account has morphed into both a space to express myself through design and a platform to amplify messages that must be heard.


I’ve spent most of my life trying to be the most polite version of myself and most of my adult life trying to be more honest instead.

tbh is an illustrated series I made that leans into honesty and helps say things that might be better left unsaid.

@tripleentandre IG Cartoons

I fell in love with New Yorker cartoons in a doctor’s office waiting room, thumbing through The magazine. It was 2002 and I was 13 years old. I was in-and-out of doctors’ offices that year after a freak accident left me with a broken neck – a fractured C3 – from which I recovered nicely.

@AlexDrawsLetters IG Acct

What started out as a daily lettering exercise ended up becoming a tool for activism going all the way back to the 2016 nightmare election up to this current nightmare in 2020.

Color Me NYC

New York City is an endless source of inspiration for me and I love snapping photos from the street.


Jackieland is my surreal rejection of our pristine, perfectly designed world of advertising into a fantasy land of lumpy sculptures and surreal stop motion animation. Two years ago after a particularly long day staring at pixels, I came home from my dull graphic design job and just snapped. I HAD to make something with my […]

Keto In The City

Keto In The City began with an anonymous Instagram account I created (@ketointhecity_) about 4 years ago. I started the page because I suffer from 2 autoimmune disorders and decided to start living a more anti-inflammatory lifestyle through the ketogenic diet. I didn’t want to censor myself, so I didn’t tell my friends or coworkers about the page for quite awhile. I needed a place where I could stay accountable and also share my love for cooking, which is a creative outlet of mine.

Stay Home

Like most humans on earth, my roommates and I were suddenly and unexpectedly stuck in our home for months, self isolating to slow the roll of COVID-19. We wanted to spread the word that this new house arrest lifestyle isn’t so bad (and it saves lives), so we created a series of Instagram posts about staying home and doing the things that keep us sane.

SheLeads100 & Woman of Vision Scholarship Awards

I’m a member of an organization that advocates for Women and Girls, I volunteer in this role, I’m on the board and am on several other committees. This year I chaired the 29th annual Scholarship fundraiser, we granted 2 young women scholarships and honored 4 community leaders. I contributed my skill in creative event management and branding, and in addition to chairing the event, I donated countless hours of branding, marketing and PR.